Monday, June 10, 2019

Member Missionary Work

Email written: 6/10/19

This week has been amazing! I don't have much time left in Sweden, but I'm making the most of every moment and every day that God gives to me. It's so cool to see that even after 2 years, I can still learn new things about the work and I can still get excited about those small little successes that happen daily. This past week we got quite a surprising text.

So, we went throughout the day and as we were standing around at bus stop, this one man caught my attention and so I started talking with him. Turned out to be a man from the Netherlands who's dating a girl from Pennsylvania. He was way nice and we talked about everything possible and he ended up being way interested and was going to talk about the church with his girlfriend! Well, as all this was going on, we apparently got a really good text but because I was so invested in the contact, my companions waited until the end of the day to tell me.

Well, you're probably wondering what the text was about. I'll get to that.

We had a nice dinner that evening and then after we walk out, my companions turn to me and say, "hey by the way, Johanna (name has been changed) wants to be baptized." Yeah right guys, very funny. Then they showed me the phone and sure enough we had a text from the friend of a member that basically said that she wanted to be baptized. The text said that she had spoken with her member friend and the conclusion was that she needed to be baptized. And then she wished all of us a great weekend. Things are happening in Uppsala!! The members and the missionaries are coming together in a unity that can't be rivaled in any other country. Elder Clouse, one of the older couple missionaries always jokes with me that there's too much work in Uppsala, I won't be able to go home. 

Not much else to report though. Just the same work as always, but so many things to be grateful for. I'm happy that I chose to serve a mission. Talk to y'all next week! Kram

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