Monday, April 29, 2019

No time to write, but here's some pictures

Email written: 4/29/19

There actually is not an email this week! Äldste Steele was very busy with errands and a fresh new haircut today, so that didn't leave him any time to write a general email. However, I will share the pictures he sent, as well as his parting thought to me in a response to my email:

"And about sharing the gospel! A great philosopher once said, preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words."

"just got a haircut"
On splits with Äldste Bills

Mom: Can you tell me where in general the pics were taken?
Äldste Steele: Some of them were taken in Gävle, some were at members houses to help prepare for Valborg and one is me grilling at a grillfest

Monday, April 22, 2019

The Worst Pizza I've Ever Had in my Life

Email written: 4/22/19

Hey Everyone!!

What a week it has been! Crazy to think that another week has gone by here in Uppsala. I am still getting used to all the bus routes and where everyone lives, but I am coming into everything slowly but surely. 

So, since it was the second week of the transfer, all of us in our district got together here in Uppsala for our district council. Since 1/3 of our district is Swedes (Äldste Karlsson and Norin), we decided to have my first ever district council in Swedish. It was legendary, probably the first time it's been done in this mission for quite some time now! As part of our district council, we thought it would be fun to order some pizzas. We found a student deli close by that had the cheapest food and it was only a few minutes away and so we decided to order pizzas from there. We also decided to read the reviews for fun and came across this one:

'I’m honestly just waiting for the food poisoning to come about right now. I advise all potential customers to hold their fingers and steer their feet in another direction. This is the worst restaurant in Uppsala.'  
So, we went there anyways, brought our pizzas back just to realize that they didn't put my pizza back in the bag and so we had to go back and get my pizza. Well, when I opened the box, all the cheese had fallen off and was in the corner of the box and then I thought back to the review that the man had given and wished I had listened to him. It was literally the worst pizza I have ever had. But anyways, you see, sometimes, we know something is bad and we go ahead and buy it anyways. Make sure that you always choose the right and be sure not to make choices that will damage you. We have prophets and scriptures for a reason, so listen to them. 

After that pizza fiasco and interviews with President Youngberg, we got to hang out with Elder Butler and Elder Derr for the rest of the afternoon because their train back to Borlänge wasn't leaving until like 18.30 RIP, but we got to make them a nice dinner and have a good time :D

A huge miracle this week happened Friday afternoon when we got a call from an unknown number. We answered and told him who we were and then he goes 'YES THIS IS MEMBER OF CHURCH LATTER DAY SAINT JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY SAINTS AND I BAPTIZE I GERMANY FROM BUDAPEST YES IS THIS THE MISSIONARIES?' It was something like that hahah, but it turns out that a man from Nigeria who was baptized in Germany 2006, who lived also in Hungary and Spain, was now here in Uppsala and wanted to find the church because he was a member. This was a huge miracle because 1. This member has so much energy and loves the church with all his heart and 2. Our most positive investigator Donald is also from Nigeria and they became instant friends at church this past sunday!! 

And so there's a lot of exciting stuff happening here in Uppsala. 2 more returning members expressed a desire to go to the temple for the first time, and Donald told us that he wants to prepare for baptism. I get to go on splits tomorrow in Gävle and so that will be fun/weird being back in my old area. Hopefully I can help a few of those that I taught a year and a half ago. But that's about it for the week. Ha det bra!

1) Dinner 
2) Påsk godis 
3) Uppsala fort 
4) riding bikes through the country

1) Dinner 

2) Påsk godis 

3) Uppsala fort 

4) riding bikes through the country

Monday, April 15, 2019

Uppsala Vecka 1

Email written: 4/15/19

Hey everyone! 

Wow, what a week it has been. The first few days I was chillin' in Täby with tons of missionaries, incoming and outgoing, and then next thing I know, I'm on a train headed to Uppsala. It's been such a wild ride, but I'm loving it here. We mostly use bikes here and so I realize now how lazy one gets when they have a car to do missionary work haha!

But, let me hop right in to explaining what is going on here in Uppsala, and while I can't write everything today, these are at least some of the highlights! 

We invited a man we were teaching to be baptized this week and he told us that he would. Want to know why? Well, it's because 10 years ago, when he was given a Book of Mormon by the missionaries in his home country, he had a dream that night about the book and has since believed in the words, but because of so many moves, he never actually had the chance to be baptized. 

Right before I got here, Elder Bird and Norin found a young man on the train called Juan. Juan originally comes from Colombia but has now lived in Sweden for quite some time. But anyways, we really wanted to try to get a meeting set up with him as soon as possible so that I could meet him. Well, after messaging each other a little back and forth, we found out that he was leaving for a cruise the next day and the only day that he could meet was the evening. He asked us how quick we could get there, and after checking the time the train left to get to his area, we knew that we needed to leave almost immediately to catch the train to where he lived. So, we dropped everything we were doing, got our shoes on and biked like there was no tomorrow to try and make the train. There was quite a bit of uphill battles, but knowing that our lesson was on the line, we kept biking. We parked them right outside the station and started into a full out sprint for the train and caught it just 1 minute before it took off. And even though the train was pretty full, Elder Norin and I found the two empty spots and both taught lessons there right on the train! Well, we finally came to the little city where Juan lived and he took us to a local pizzeria. He wanted to know more about Joseph Smith and so we taught him all about the great miracle of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He then told us that a few days ago in his religion class, the teacher told the students that only members were allowed to read the Book of Mormon, to which Juan interrupted and said, that's not true. I have a book at home that I read, to which the startled teacher then asked Juan where she could get a copy to read :)

On Sunday, when I went to church, I was able to meet a bunch of new people and I probably forgot everyone's names by now, but after a few weeks, I'll be able to get everyone's names down. But what I do remember was the joy that 2 returning members had as they shared their experiences of going into the temple for the first time. They were just glowing with excitement for the peace that was felt in the temple. They are now helping those around them catch the vision and feel that same peace that they are feeling. 

Speaking of peace, I was super stressed coming into church yesterday, but then we sang a hymn, 'Master the tempest is raging' and when I sang the words 'Peace,peace be still' well, in Swedish, it was 'Frid var lugn'. So comforting to sing!! It's great to be here in Uppsala and to work with Äldste Norin! More to come!!

Ha det bra!

1) Uppsala station
2/3) Kyrkan 
4) Vattentorn
5) 4 levande assistenter 
6) Roomates for the past 6 weeks

Monday, April 8, 2019


Email written: 4/8/19


Well transfers have now snuck up on me. My time in Täby as assistant to President Youngberg has now come to a close. I will now be headed to the wonderful city of Uppsala for the last 3 months of my mission. My new companion is going to be Äldste Norin, one of the only Swedes in the mission! I'm about to go to straight Swedish and I couldn't be more excited. I hope to learn a lot from him, and not just when it comes to the language.

General conference was a success, and I say success because I got answers to my questions. The questions that I wanted an answer to had a lot to do with prayer and also about missionary work and many of the talks covered just those topics and I am thankful for the great leaders of the church that continue to inspire us to be better. President Nelsons words were so powerful! "The Lord needs selfless men who put the welfare of others ahead of their own."

One of my favorite experiences was this past week with the guy that we saw in Vaxholm last week. Gustaf decided to follow us around as we knocked on doors and visited a few others. There was a certain member and another man that wasn't a member that I have been trying to visit the past 5 months and after many attempts I gave up for a time. But then with Gustaf, he seemed to be the magic trick as both this member and other man we were trying to teach were home! We had a super nice visit with both of them and we got some lessons set up right from it. As I said goodbye to Gustaf yesterday I told him that I knew it was no coincidence we have known each other for 1.5 years. I knew him back in Gävle and worked closely with him in Täby. He then thanked me for all I did for him as he started his whole mission process after meeting me and my companions in Gävle. It was heartwarming and I look forward to the day he gets his mission call. 

-- Äldste Steele

Monday, April 1, 2019

Coast to Coast

Email written: 4/1/19

Hey everyone!!

All of the zone conferences have now come to close and we've come to the final week of the transfer and my final week here in Täby. All of the members came up to me at church yesterday and they tried to say their final goodbyes because they thought I was going back to the United States this week. Like nope, I've still got 3 months left, just going to move to my final area.

Zone Conferences were a blast! We first flew all the way down to Skåne for the Malmö zone conference and then after that conference, we drove up to Göteborg before we flew home again. All that traveling, plus spirtually packed meetings not mention sleeping on the floor really takes it out of you, but it's been such a fun week. I got to see my son Elder Thompson...the boys getting so old now, been a missionary for an entire year now!! I also got to eat Domino's pizza because yes, even Domino's has made it way to Sweden. 

The biggest focus from zone conference was the reminder that we are here in Sweden to TEACH!! After getting the results for the biannual survey from the missionary department, President Youngberg knew that the number of lessons being taught per week was nowhere near what it could be. So, it will be fun to see how we as a mission can begin teaching more lesson, and thus baptizing more converts. President Youngberg also got us super hyped up about the apostalic promises when it comes to the church in Sweden. 

Saturday was probably one of my favorite days of this week. So, we felt strongly that we needed to visit an area called Vaxholm. Vaxholm is a huge tourist spot in the summer and is the location of a large fort built a couple hundred years ago. That fort was the biggest defense against Russia if they were to attack by sea because they have to enter Stockholm through Vaxholm, but anyways, after we made it out to Vaxholm and got pretty lost, we found the closest bus stop. Right before we get there, the bus comes and leaves and so there we are just left waiting for a bus that didn't come for another 20-30 minutes. Well, not even 5 minuters later, one of our good friends from the ward, Gustaf, pulls up in his old beat up Alfa Romeo and asks us if we want a ride. This man straight up lives like 45-50 mins away and so we're like, what in the world are you doing in Vaxholm, to which he replied 'I wanted to eat some ice cream'. The sad news was the ice cream place, glass på hörnet, was closed.

But, anyways, we got to tract his old neighborhood out there, and he gave us a clutch ride home! Well, just a few hours later, we went to visit the ambassador with Gustaf's little brother, Jacob. The lesson went so well and the ambassador was hilarious. He kept applying everything we were doing to some kind of bible story. His wife was in the kitchen making a fruit plate for us and so as we were having our converstaion, he said they were like mary and martha when one was listening to Jesus and the other one was busy doing doing service. What a guy!

Well, that's about it! Ha det gott! 

1) some of the grabbar from the MTC group
2) Äldste Thompson!!
3/4) dominos 

1) some of the grabbar from the MTC group

2) Äldste Thompson!!

3/4) dominos 

3/4) dominos
BONUS PIC: Wonderful Zone Conference in Gothenburg
BONUS PIC 2: Another Zone Conference