Well, another week is in the books and the work keeps moving forward. Tomorrow we have zone conference here in Stockholm and so I'm super excited to see Elder Lewis and get the update on good ol' Gävle. As far as Stockholm is concerned, we are finally seeing things come together and we know it will just keep on getting better from here. Right now we have a very positive investigator named Nils and we had an awesome lesson this past week and at the end of the lesson he gave the most sincere prayer asking God if all that we have taught him is true. It was so simple, yet so sincere. I've learned so much from the people I've taught about prayer and how I can make my prayers more meaningful. Prayer is when we have the chance to actually communicate with our Father in Heaven and we really get to open the window of blessings when we are sincere about it!
On Saturday, Elder Baggett and I decided to start the morning off with some contacting near Drottningatan, which is the main shopping street here in downtown Stockholm. We thought that since the sun was finally out and there were lots of people that we would have a ton of success, but boy were we wrong. We contacted people for 2 hours and there wasn't a single person who wanted to talk to us and we just had so many awkward encounters with people because would just stare at us and walk away without even saying anything, so things were pretty rough. We were kind of confused as to why people were so mad on Saturday, but then as we walked down Drottningatan, we realized it was probably due to the smell. Apparently some sewage had burst somewhere so the entire street and all the stores smelled hemskt. Well, I was feeling pretty down, so I said a quick little prayer on the bus on the way home for lunch, and just prayed that we would have a better end to the day.
Well thank goodness God answers prayers because that night we decided to go out and knock some doors in an new area that we had a good feeling about. The old area that we had been working in was full of old people that didn't want to talk with us haha. So, we start knocking on some doors, people are being relatively nice (except for a guy telling us to STICK!), when we came to the last door of the night. We knock on the door and a mom in pajamas with her two little kids answers the door, and so immediately I'm like oh I'm so sorry, it looks like it's bed time, we can come back another time. But then the mom is just like, no we're about to eat dinner! We then had a really nice conversation and then brought up that we're from the church and she is just like 'WOAH THAT IS SO COOL' and she said that she would love to have us back. She is from the Canary islands and has a Swedish husband and they have two really small kids and we are so excited to see what comes out of it.
So many times God lets our faith be tested before we are able to witness the miracles. We just need to be patient and trust in Him.
Have a great week! Sorry no pictures, didn't have time to take any :(
-- Äldste Steele
8 minutes later...
pictures arrive:
Me and the homie
Elder Winkel
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