I made it safely to Sweden! The flights weren't too bad at all, other than the fact that we had to wake up at 2:30 am to make it here. Funny story actually, the sisters didn't wake up on time so people were sent to wake them up. Thankfully they made it on the bus and then we were on our way.
Our first day in Sweden was a tiring one, especially after not being able to sleep on the plane. We arrived into Sweden around 6am, and then we ended up having a mini tour of Stockholm, and then we were sent out on the streets of Stockholm to talk to people and try to hand out a Book of Mormon. It was such a wild experience! Most of the time people just said "NEJ TACK" and we would just have to smile and say "Ha det så bra".
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2. Jag och Äldste Harper |
I am assigned, at least for the next 3 months, to the city of Gävle! It is a city about an hour and half north of Stockholm by train. Friends and family, please do not pronounce it wrong, because otherwise, you'll be saying a very inappropriate word. It's kind of hard to explain the pronunciation, but just don't say "yev-lah". Anyways.......my companion/trainer is Äldste Harper! While his family now lives in Utah, he grew up in Flower Mound and we both love the Dallas Mavericks!!! He's been out on the mission for 9 months and he is helping me get adjusted to missionary life and the language. Äldste Harper and I are both new to Gävle, as we are replacing Syster Missionaries, and so it has been pretty difficult to learn the city in such a short amount of time and keep up with old teaching records. We are making it through little by little, but we haven't really taught a whole bunch yet, but I know this week will be amazing!
Sweden is truly a beautiful place! There are trees absolutely everywhere. I've never seen so much green in my entire life. Also, the fruit here is next level. It just tastes so pure and perfect. I'm basically in heaven here.
Upon arriving to Sweden, I realized that I really don't know a whole lot of Swedish. When people talk to me, I pick up about 2-3 words and the rest I don't understand at all. While the MTC taught me a whole bunch and I'm really comfortable teaching about our church, I really don't know much else. It's quite frustrating at times, but I understand more and more every day and I know that everything will work out.
1. Vår Kyrka |
Yesterday was my first time at church in Sweden and I had such a great time! I even spoke in Sacrament meeting, just saying what I know to be true and how excited I am to be a missionary in Gävle. All the medlemmar told me that jag talar jättebra svenska and so it's really boosted my confidence in the language! The church building is pretty small, and about 20-30 people usually show up (there's work to do). A thing that is a little bit different of the Mormon culture in Sweden is people don't say brother/syster. Everyone knows each other on a first name basis, so i don't know a single person's last name that comes to church, so that's pretty interesting! the members are awesome and feed us frequently (which is rare in Sweden), but we already have like 5 meals planned for the week!!
3. A view from the most popular park in Gävle: Boulongers Skogen |
Other than that, life is good! I love you all!
1. Vår Kyrka
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