Hej! Gott nytt år på er! Anyone have good new year's resolutions? I'm thinking about going vegan....just kidding aldrig i livet.
The past week has just flown by as we had the chance to celebrate on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with some of the members in the ward. For some reason, Sweden celebrates Christmas on Christmas Eve and Santa Clause (tomte) shows up in the evening just at the back door to deliver the presents to the kids. It's a little different than what we americans are used to be, but it was a ton of fun, and we ate plenty of pickled herring and Christmas ham, along with rum gallons and gallons of julmust.
We were also given extra study time this past week to study everything we possibly could about our Savior, Jesus Christ. As a challenge issued in 2017 by President Russell M. Nelson, we were to use the 57 subheadings of Jesus Christ located in the topical guide in order to grow a deeper appreciation and love for the Savior. I have learned so much about Him and it was the perfect way to wrap up the great year of 2018.
Just like last new years, I was able to eat some surströmming with the office crew.. It is now my 3rd time eating surströmming, the absolute worst smelling fish in on the planet. It was just as bad the 3rd time. I might just make it a new year's tradition from now on to eat surströmming, might be kind of fun.
A few weeks ago, Äldste Derr and I were out knocking on doors and right before we were about to go home, we saw this massive mansion sitting on top of a hill and we knew that we needed to knock on it. Most houses in Sweden are pretty modest and none of them really stick out, but every once in a while you will get a mansion that sticks out like a sore thumb and I just love knocking on those houses (like when I did it back in Övik and turned out to be a professional hockey player something Näslund). Well anyways, we go up and knock on this door and a girl about our age answers the door and we start talking a bit, but early on into the conversation we found out that she is a satanist. She told us that she wouldn't want to listen to us as she was happy following Satan and she was going to shut the door, but then at that moment I asked her if I could tell her something before she shut the door, and then after she said yes, I powerfully preached that Satan's only desire was for her to suffer, and that she needed to come unto Christ, whose only desire is for her to have joy. Äldste Derr then pulls out the Book of Mormon and testifies like a BEAST, and then her entire attitude changed in an instant and she told us she would love to take a Book of Mormon. When we went back a few days later to see what her thoughts were on the few verses we gave to her, she told us that she actually ended up reading the entire chapter, plus a few more chapters after that because the Book of Mormon was so interesting for her to read. It really was a testament to me that we as missionaries have the power and authority of God and that we shouldn't be afraid to be bold with those that we come in contact with.
Thanks everyone for a great year! I'm excited to see what 2019 has in store :D Until next time, happy new year! Take care!
1) Christmas couple
2) solnedgången
3) typical swedish house
4) earlier today eating surströmming in the woods
5) Christmas present from the Stenkronas
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1) Christmas couple |
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2) solnedgången |
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3) typical swedish house |
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4) earlier today eating surströmming in the woods |
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5) Christmas present from the Stenkronas |